At Digital Diagnostics, we envision a world where everyone has access to ethical, dependable care. That is why Digital Diagnostics’ mission is to transform the accessibility, affordability, equity, and quality of global healthcare through the application of technology in the medical diagnosis and treatment process.

As we pursue our mission, we continue to leverage AI technology to create healthcare solutions, such as LumineticsCore™ (formerly IDx-DR), the first FDA-cleared AI diagnostic platform. LumineticsCore can detect and diagnose diabetic retinopathy (including macular edema) at the point-of-care, without physician input, allowing for increased patient access and expanded offerings by non-eyecare providers.

LumineticsCore is the work of Digital Diagnostics’ founder, Michael D. Abramoff, MD, PhD. In the 1980s, while training to become an ophthalmologist and retina specialist, Dr. Abramoff theorized that a computer might be able to mimic the way physicians think. He believed this technology could one day be used to help patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy get diagnosed at an earlier stage and avoid blindness.

For the next several years Dr. Abramoff employed his background in machine learning, neuroscience, and software development to create algorithms that could mimic how clinicians make diagnoses. During this time, he was mindful that this new type of technology required special consideration regarding patient safety and equity to get to the point where we could trust a computer, rather than a doctor, to make a diagnosis.

After decades of research, rigorous testing for safety, efficacy, and equity, and a pivotal clinical trial conducted in the intended workflow, LumineticsCore (as IDx-DR) was brought to market in 2018 as the first autonomous AI diagnostic system in healthcare. Today, LumineticsCore is in use around the globe, confirming that intelligent diagnostic platforms can be deployed safely and responsibly to improve patient outcomes and increase healthcare productivity.

Our work isn’t finished yet. Digital Diagnostics continually advocates for the safe application of AI technology in healthcare and remains committed to becoming the world leader in developing safe, effective, and equitable AI solutions that meet patients where they are and improve patient outcomes.

To learn more about our commitment to transforming healthcare for the better, watch our Mission Video.